Plain Jane Knits Up A Storm

A few musings about my needlecraft hobbies - knitting, crocheting, quilting, & cross-stitch along with my other love, genealogy. While growing up, I used to HATE the term "Plain Jane", but when it comes to knitting & crocheting, I've realized that I really *am* a Plain Jane in that I don't use fancy yarns.

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Location: Northern Detroit Metro area, Michigan, United States

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Another Farewell

We lost Sadie last Thursday morning. She was diagnosed earlier this year with pancreatitis and put on a special diet. She seemed to be doing quite well until the last couple weeks when her weight loss became noticeable and she was eating less & less. We inherited Sadie when Mom passed away three years ago. Before that she stayed with us during the winter from 1999 through 2002 while Mom & Dad were in Florida.

It was 1998 when some [expletive deleted] dumped an adult cat that had been altered & front declawed out at my parent's farm. Dad was trying to live trap a raccoon that had been bothering the garden but what he found in the trap the next morning was Sadie - painfully thin and loudly yowling. She was a strange cat - there was a kink at the end of her tail as though whoever dumped her had slammed the car door on it and she wouldn't let you pet her past her shoulder blades without cussing you out. She had fangs and knew how to use them - I still have a scar from where she bit me in a display of displaced aggression when there was another cat in the back yard. Still, Mom loved her and she was good for Mom, keeping her company 24/7 after Dad passed away in 2003. She wasn't my favorite feline but I'm sorry she's gone & will miss her.


Blogger Nana Sadie said...

Even the difficult ones wrap their paws around our hearts and tug!
I'm sorry for your loss, Jane. As you said, she's already beyond the to be with your folks who went on before...

4:23 PM  
Blogger Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Sadie was lucky to have been *adopted* by your family. I'm sure she is now watching over you from the rainbow bridge. *hugs*

2:18 PM  
Blogger Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Sadie was lucky to have been *adopted* by your family. I'm sure she is now watching over you from the rainbow bridge. *hugs*

2:18 PM  

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