Plain Jane Knits Up A Storm

A few musings about my needlecraft hobbies - knitting, crocheting, quilting, & cross-stitch along with my other love, genealogy. While growing up, I used to HATE the term "Plain Jane", but when it comes to knitting & crocheting, I've realized that I really *am* a Plain Jane in that I don't use fancy yarns.

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Location: Northern Detroit Metro area, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not Much New

It's been really quiet. First we had the holidays (which DH & I pretty much ignore), then the "Polar Vortex" with actual temps of -14°, almost 13" of snow & then more snow. When January 6th came around, the roads were horrible so I didn't leave the house and missed Monday's knitting group. Come the 13th, I was feeling lousy & slept most of the day, another miss, then this last Monday was MLK Day & the Center was closed.

We're back in the deep freeze again. It is 6° with a wind chill of -14. I've been keeping busy knitting and just sent 14 more hats to Remnant Ministries. I have another one cast on and will work on it during the newscasts. Unfortunately, both NCIS shows tonight are old repeats but maybe I can find something on Netflix. Just finished another book and listed it - that makes 11 books read since the 1st. Sorry that most of the updates to blog are book listings in the left panel. No photos this time, the hats weren't much different than the previous photos. Used up a 8 oz skein of yarn making six of the hats with stripes of various colors to make the cream go further.

I need to go down to the basement & get another big skein of a solid color to mix with leftovers or knit some very strange looking hats with all the leftovers put together. I've been having trouble with something called the IT Band along the outside of my right thigh which makes it difficult to walk or climb stairs. Back in August or early September, I thought I'd pulled a muscle in that thigh as it hurt quite a bit - but nothing like the last couple weeks. Posted an SOS on my hip & knee replacement group on SparkPeople and learned that quite a few of us have had problems with the band. I'm doing exercises for it & hoping that it resolves itself real quick.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Another New Year Rolls Around

2014 - seems just like yesterday when we were worrying about Y2K. The years keep going faster and faster now that I'm retired. This will be a short posts - no photos as I've been too lazy to download the camera card to the computer - just a way to let you know that I'm still alive & kicking.

I finally got the surgery on my right knee done on Oct 18th and everything is going fine. At my 7 week visit, Dr. Kasab said that if he didn't know better, he would have thought that I was at the 6 month mark in terms of range of motion. Both knees still ache a bit in this cold weather, but not as bad as they did with the arthritis.

I've been knitting - mostly more hats, so take a look at the photo from October and imagine them in different colors. The Orion Center has taken away our access to the room we use on Thursdays so our K4 group will only be  meeting on Mondays. They're hoping to rent out more rooms during the day to increase revenues. Not sure how that's going to work, but so far they haven't asked us to pay rent which would be difficult as they no long allow us to display items for sale except for several times a year when they have indoor garage sales.

On the genealogy front, my  Dunham-Wilcox-Trott Kirk site was picked for the third year in a row as one of the best 75 websites by Family Tree Magazine. I haven't made any breakthroughs in my own research and I'm way behind on coding files others have sent so that's one thing I have to get done in these next few months.

Other than the two surgeries, it's been a quiet year. Hope everyone has a great New Year in 2014! For this next year, I've decided that this will be my New Year's Resolution:

Be warned!! {g}

Acrylics Anon/a